How to increase your edge angle Advanced ski carving


Hey there, fellow travel enthusiasts! Today, I want to share some insights on improving your ski technique through two specific metrics on the car app. As a level four ski instructor and trainer examiner based in Aspen Highlands, I have valuable tips to help you increase your edge angle and enhance your skiing experience.

Flow and Edge Angle

A perfect ski turn can feel like a freefall at the beginning and landing on a trampoline at the end. This seamless flow is essential for achieving a high edge angle, which is crucial for controlling speed, carving tightly, and managing forces in a turn. To enhance your edge angle, it’s essential to focus on the transition phase between turns and initiate early weight transfer.

Early Weight Transfer

Early weight transfer involves shifting your weight onto the new outside ski much earlier than most people think. By starting this transfer at the apex of the previous turn, you set yourself up for a smooth transition and increased edge angle in the new turn. Aim for a high early weight transfer score (around 75%) to take your skiing to the next level.

Drill for Early Weight Transfer

One effective drill to improve early weight transfer is to focus on maintaining your upper body facing the new turn while transitioning your skis. By lifting and placing your uphill ski onto the edge and then transitioning the downhill ski smoothly, you can set yourself up for a successful edge increase in the new turn.

Early Edging

Early edging is another crucial metric that indicates how early you start the edging process in a turn. By rolling onto your edge quickly and effectively in the first 20% of the turn, you can achieve a higher edge angle. Aim for a high early edging score (75% and above) to ski like a pro.

Drill for Early Edging

To practice early edging, focus on dropping your body down and allowing the inside hip to move forward. This movement, combined with a relaxed and soft leg, helps in achieving early edge engagement and maximizing your edge angle throughout the turn.

Wrap-Up and Tips

Remember, a smooth release from the apex of the previous turn sets the foundation for a successful edge engagement. Be patient, maintain a smooth transition, and focus on gradually increasing your edge angle as you move into the new turn. By incorporating these concepts into your skiing technique, you can elevate your performance and climb up the leaderboard.


1. How important is early weight transfer in achieving a high edge angle in skiing?

Early weight transfer is crucial as it sets the foundation for a smooth transition and increased edge angle in the new turn. By starting the weight transfer early, you can effectively manage forces and control your speed while carving tightly.

2. What is the significance of the early edging metric in skiing performance?

The early edging metric indicates how early you initiate the edging process in a turn. A high early edging score signifies that you are rolling onto your edge quickly and efficiently, leading to a higher edge angle and improved skiing performance.

3. How can practicing drills for early weight transfer and early edging benefit skiers?

Practicing drills for early weight transfer and early edging helps skiers enhance their technique and performance on the slopes. By focusing on these fundamental aspects of skiing, individuals can improve their edge angles, control, and overall skiing experience.

4. What role does body positioning play in achieving a high edge angle while skiing?

Body positioning is essential for achieving a high edge angle while skiing. By maintaining proper posture, dropping down towards the ground, and engaging the edges early in the turn, skiers can optimize their performance and carve smoothly through each turn.

5. How can skiers use technology, such as the car app, to track and improve their skiing metrics?

Skiers can utilize technology like the car app to track metrics such as early weight transfer and early edging, providing valuable feedback on their performance. By analyzing these metrics and making adjustments based on the data, skiers can effectively enhance their skills and progress in their skiing journey.